Prijavite se na U-LAB: Social Impact Accelerator in povečajte svoj družbeni učinek

Podjetja in ekipe, ki ustvarjajo pozitiven družbeni učinek se lahko prijavijo na program do ponedeljka, 4. septembra 2017.

Ustvarjalnik je to jesen v Slovenijo povabil nekaj najbolj cenjenih mentorjev iz Združenih držav Amerike s področja socialnega podjetništva. Namen njihovega obiska je izvedba intenzivnega dvotedenskega programa mentorstva socialnim podjetjem iz Slovenije in bližnje okolice. Največ petim podjetjem bodo tuji strokovnjaki pomagali izdelati vzdržen prodajni model za financiranje njihovega družbenega delovanja ter skupaj z njimi sestavili načrt za pridobitev tuje investicije za zagon njihovega podjetja. Program se bo zaključil z direktnim nagovorom potencialnih vlagateljev in javno predstavitvijo projektov.

Več o programu in prijave:
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The U-LAB: Social Impact Accelerator is an accelerator for early/idea-stage entrepreneurs from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Italy, Hungary and Serbia that are tackling social and environmental problems. The program is ideal for those who have an existing product, first users and are focused on systematically scaling their venture.

The program is a great opportunity for getting the necessary skills and tools for scaling your venture, as well as an opportunity to connect and form lasting relationships with mentors and investors, who can help you change the world.

The program is divided into two 5-day intense labs. Week 1 (11th-17th September) is a hands-on Business Model Validation Lab, which is designed to help entrepreneurs rapidly identify and validate the foundational assumptions of their business. Week 2 (18th – 24th September) is the Funding Readiness Lab, which is designed to help ventures understand the fundraising process and prepare to take on investment.

The mentors are renowned entrepreneurs, social, and environmential impact experts.

For more information, a detailed schedule, and application form visit

Applications close on 4th September, 2017.

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